
If you haven’t voted, please do! It is not only our right to vote for our choice of representatives, but it is an obligation to ourselves and our country. This election is one like never before. We need to make as good a choice as is possible with a politician at the national level. No one at that level is an angel. They are all corrupt, even the business people. They wouldn’t have gotten where they are if they weren’t. Please vote your conscience.

Author: denise

I have done beadwork for over 25 years and got so interested in jewelry design that I took two metalwork classes at Arrowmont School of Arts & Crafts in Gatlinburg, Tennessee from wonderful teachers Deborah Lynn Gold and Marjorie Simon. I can't choose a favorite medium. I love sculptural work and adore forming and fabricating metals, but three-dimensional beadwork is more colorful. I sew a lot! Lately I've been making lots of purses and wallets as well as upcycling used clothing into new items. Lately I've gone back to sewing and refashioning cast-off clothing–mostly men's shirts, into girls' clothing. I also enjoy making handbags and wallets. They are really fun to put together–like a puzzle.

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