Happy Spring!

I feel that Spring has finally, really arrived here in East Tennessee. I have been wearing my sandals and flipflops. It’s been cold and warm, cold and warm here lately. I’ve had a lot of breathing problems, especially since I caught a Spring cold and got a sinus infection to go along with it. And, again, I coughed until I got laryngitis. I feel like my life just now is only doctors, medicines and staying inside the house. 



Oh, I long to spend hours outside watching the flowers and birds and squirrels. We are blessed to have our couple of acres back onto a field and about 200 acres of woods. We have so many wonderful animals here. We have a flock of wild turkeys that occasionally come into the yard to forage and regularly see deer in our patch of woods. All sorts of birds, year-round residents and migrators. There are chipmunks, frogs, toads, lizards, snakes, foxes, coyotes, an occasional bobcat and many, many others. 


Wild Turkeys

My husband keeps the lake access area across the road from us clear of kudzu as best he can. If you stand still long enough here, kudzu will cover you. It is a scourge. So he fights it every year. It isn’t his job, but he is a little hyper and loves doing it–”cleaning out.”

He found some small plants that he couldn’t identify. He drove me down there as we were starting to town to pick up my new nebulizer and I used the little app called Picture This on my phone to find out what it was. From the way he had described it I thought it might be Squawroot, but no, it was Virginia Pennywort. So cute! Sort of like a blooming pinecone but much softer. They were scattered all through the leaf carpet. And across the parking space were several yellow trilliums. 

Virginia Pennywort









Meanwhile, my dendrobium aggregatum is going wild. All the blossoms are open and it is glorious.






I hope you can go outside and see the glories of Spring. Let me know how your adventures go.