Confessions of a Cluttered Mind

I am about to expose my utter shame. From posts on the creative groups on Facebook, I am not alone. What terrible hoarders we creatives are! At least most of us are organized. Not me. Don’t get me wrong. I know where things are for the most part, but my husband cringes at the sight of it. It’s so bad that only family sees my sewing/crafting room. And now you. Partly.

NO ONE  goes in my studio over the garage except me and my husband. It is a disaster. I have things from 20 years ago and things from my former business, things from my productive metalsmithing days and from the days when I could still knit. My hands go numb now and hurt when I hold the needles. I loved knitting. But I digress.

There are craft show displays, painting supplies, picture frames, some of my mother’s old furniture, TWO spinning wheels (Not the small ones, but Great Wheels. One was my great-grandmother’s saved from the kindling pile by my Poppy), genealogy stuff, photo albums, shelves full of books, writing paraphernalia, my Granny’s old trunk–full of stuff, and a very large table at counter height where I used to cut out fabric. My husband built it to save my back. Oh, and a quilting frame he made me. 

Here are the pictures of my terrible messes. 

Author: denise

I have done beadwork for over 25 years and got so interested in jewelry design that I took two metalwork classes at Arrowmont School of Arts & Crafts in Gatlinburg, Tennessee from wonderful teachers Deborah Lynn Gold and Marjorie Simon. I can't choose a favorite medium. I love sculptural work and adore forming and fabricating metals, but three-dimensional beadwork is more colorful. I sew a lot! Lately I've been making lots of purses and wallets as well as upcycling used clothing into new items. Lately I've gone back to sewing and refashioning cast-off clothing–mostly men's shirts, into girls' clothing. I also enjoy making handbags and wallets. They are really fun to put together–like a puzzle.

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