I’m watching The Shannara Chronicles on Netflix. I’m three episodes in and liking it a lot. Anyone else into it?
Here is a Spicebush Swallowtail caterpillar that my daughter found on my spicebush. Look at that little snakey face he’s trying to fool us with. Silly caterpillar.

Isn’t he cute?
This is what they turn into. The picture doesn’t do it justice.

This is the dainty little strand of jewels that a spider left me the other day from scarlet honeysuckle blossoms.

This is how my Sophie likes to sleep if she can’t have her nose in the air conditioning vent. Please excuse the boxes. #corgisareweird

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Author: denise
I have done beadwork for over 25 years and got so interested in jewelry design that I took two metalwork classes at Arrowmont School of Arts & Crafts in Gatlinburg, Tennessee from wonderful teachers Deborah Lynn Gold and Marjorie Simon. I can't choose a favorite medium. I love sculptural work and adore forming and fabricating metals, but three-dimensional beadwork is more colorful.
I sew a lot! Lately I've been making lots of purses and wallets as well as upcycling used clothing into new items.
Lately I've gone back to sewing and refashioning cast-off clothing–mostly men's shirts, into girls' clothing. I also enjoy making handbags and wallets. They are really fun to put together–like a puzzle.
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