It’s been interesting weather here for a while, and from what I hear, all over the country. We’ve had flooding like I’ve never seen before. Our average rainfall for a year is 49-55 inches. Saturday alone, we got 17+ inches.
The city of Kingston had a boat slip docked at 58 Landing (a boat launch area and walking path along the Watts Bar Lake and Highway 58 in the town.) It came loose and floated away a few miles. It’s back today, but they’re still anchoring it. The water looks like thin mud full of trash, trees, and branches. The water level of the lake is usually very low in Winter, but it’s now more full than in Summer.
This is a spring that we didn’t realize was there. It’s usually underground. Now it has been shooting a foot in the air like an artesian spring.
It has been a very strange season. The weather was cold last week, but for the last two days, it’s been in the 60s and 70s. It’s supposed to be cold again next week.
On a lighter note, my phalaenopsis orchids are still blooming. Three are in bloom and two more are on the way. My white one is winding down, but another pink one is blooming.
An orchid-colored orchid. It’s gloriously expanding its bloom stem.This little mini is still very showy.
This one is coming along nicely.
Another angle of the Macrame hanger orchid..
And to end my blog today, a comical view of my grandson. Kids do the weirdest things.
I have done beadwork for over 25 years and got so interested in jewelry design that I took two metalwork classes at Arrowmont School of Arts & Crafts in Gatlinburg, Tennessee from wonderful teachers Deborah Lynn Gold and Marjorie Simon. I can't choose a favorite medium. I love sculptural work and adore forming and fabricating metals, but three-dimensional beadwork is more colorful.
I sew a lot! Lately I've been making lots of purses and wallets as well as upcycling used clothing into new items.
Lately I've gone back to sewing and refashioning cast-off clothing–mostly men's shirts, into girls' clothing. I also enjoy making handbags and wallets. They are really fun to put together–like a puzzle.
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