Let me start by saying that I compromise with my husband on the temperature of the house. He freezes and I sweat like a horse. I like it about 70º (or 68º) and he wants it about 80º. We compromise on 74º. I don’t function well any warmer.
Yesterday I was feeling really bad. I couldn’t do anything without sweat pouring off me. I thought I might be getting a fever. I finally remembered to check the thermostat last night. He had it on 78º. Good thing he was already asleep or I would have thrown a fit right then. I put the temperature back on 74 so I could sleep and this morning, first thing, I told him that if he ever raised the temp again and didn’t either tell me or set it back I would fasten it in place so he could never move it again. Am I weird? Maybe, but I’d much rather be too cold than too hot.
Husband is good for some things, however. Actually a lot of things, but I don’t want him to get an inflated ego or anything. He had cleaned out the 1,400-gallon fish pond in the backyard (I don’t know why he waited till August) and has it almost ready to put the fish back in. We even found a few little froggies and one tadpole. A rather large tadpole. As big as the little frogs.
He’s rewired the electricity to the pond and put in a new filter. We even have a much bigger pump. It’s going to be wonderful. I need to rebuild the waterfall, but that will be in cooler weather.
My poor Joe Pye Weed was flattened by the latest strong storm. The butterflies still enjoy it, but it’s harder for me to enjoy. It’ll be back next year.

Husband also found this little Cope’s Gray Tree Frog sitting on top of a fence post. He blends in so well.
And Husband accidentally, and painfully, found this little Saddleback caterpillar eating my snake plant by the side door. He went through several leaf tips before leaving.