Open Show

I picked up my items from Creative Arts Co-op in Harriman today.  It was a great show from what I hear.  Lots of people there on the opening night.  I wish I could have gone.  Unfortunately my group, Oasis, gave a concert at church at the same time and I was also sick.  Now I have laryngitis and probably a sinus infection.  Blech!  Going to the doctor tomorrow morning.


Here in the US we are celebrating a day of giving thanks for all that we have.  I am very thankful for my wonderful family and friends who accept me as I am.  For a good home that covers my head and keeps me warm in winter and cool in summer.  I am grateful for plenty of good food to eat and a reliable car to drive.  I am truly blessed.  I hope that all of you are blessed as well.  Have a wonderful holiday.


46th Annual Fine Craft Fair

I’ll be at the Foothills Craft Guild Fall Show next weekend, November 16-18 at the Jacob Building at Chilhowee Park.  Hours are 10-6 Friday & Saturday, 11-5 Sunday.

I have some new pieces, some favorites and will be sharing booth 129 with quilter Gloria Felter.  I’ve added metal work to my repertoire this year.  It’s something I’ve been doing for years, but never showed.