It’s Alive!

Earlier this summer I made the mistake of mounting my phalaenopsis orchid on a tree knot with sphagnum moss and hanging it on the curtain rod. It was okay for awhile, but I probably overwatered, underwatered and soaked it too long just to try to make it happy there. When it started to die I emailed a friend (hi, Carol!) and asked for help. She asked the type of orchid, which I hadn’t really thought about, and then told me probable causes for its impending demise (see above). Yeah.

I didn’t really think about the different types of orchids before I bought that one. I think I got it at a big box store or the grocery store. I can’t remember. It didn’t bloom for several years until I moved it to the right window. I was so happy with it that I decided to “help” it even more. Bad move.

So, I’ve been reading and studying different types of orchids. I know all the things I did wrong now. I will try, try, try not to do any of them again. My poor phal died back to just a few living roots. Argh!

This is how I saved her.

I put very damp sphagnum moss in a large candy jar that I wasn’t using any more. Then I just set the phal roots on top of the moss. Not down in the moss, just on top. I put plastic wrap on the opening so the lid wouldn’t rust and then the lid. Several weeks later the little Sal Phal has new growth! Look at those sweet little leaves shooting up from the roots! I’m so sorry, Sal, that I almost killed you. Thank you for coming back!

I have since bought a dendrobium aggragatum. I may eventually mount it on the wood knot that I once used for Sal. It is a totally different type of orchid. I will let it stay in the pot it is in till Spring, though. I can’t wait for those beautiful yellow blossoms to appear. Keep your fingers crossed for me. I am still studying my new babies and will keep you updated with my, and their, progress.